Some health care terms are used the same way when they may, in fact, mean something different. For example:
Some health care terms mean the exact same thing. For example:
As your children grow, it’s important to keep them protected from serious diseases. Check with your doctor to ensure your child receives their childhood vaccines – including their flu vaccine - on time.
You and your children can receive these essential immunizations from your provider at your annual preventive care visit.
Health plan members, ages six and older, can also get vaccines at the pharmacy. Find a pharmacy near you.
If you receive preventive care marketing materials from sources other than your Health Plan, PCP or primary clinic, ask your PCP if you are due for the stated service or screening and how it’s covered by your health insurance.
To see your specific preventive care coverage details, review your member certificate and summary of benefits.
You can also call the Customer Care Center number listed on the back of your membership card to ask questions about your coverage.